AppReady is a quick and easy solution to creating package files. If you want to sell your software product at Apple's Mac App Store, you must first sign it and then convert it into a package file so that you can upload it to iTunes Connect. There are some requirements. For example, the app icon must be a size of 512 x 512 px. The plist file must also have certain keys. AppReady is designed to help software developers complete these requirements and then convert the application into a package file.
- Edit application's Plist.
- Fix the HXRuntime link problem on applications that were developed with REAL Studio.
- Code-sign your application.
- Make a package ready for Mac App Store.
- Remove the PowerPC architecture (i386) from the selected application ... Available with Version 1.3
- Generate Otool output against the main architecture file ... Available with Version 1.3
- Generate Strings output against the main architecture file ... Available with Version 1.3
- Create a software list and let AppReady automatically generate Mac App Store URLs ... Available with Version 1.5
Trial version:
A beta/demo/trial version is available.
- Click on the button to download a beta/demo/trial version of AppReady for Mac OS X 10.6/10.7.
System requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.6 or 10.7 with Intel Mac
- Xcode 4.1
Purchasing AppReady license:
Purchasing a single license of AppReady |
AppReady is no longer available for sale.
Version History:
1.7.0 to 2.0.0 (October 17, 2011)
- Fix: The application (AppReady) could crash when the selected application cannot be found.
- The application (AppReady) remembers the locations of Login and Apps windows.
- Change: After making changes on Login and Apps, the user will be prompted for confirmation before closing them.
- Change: The application (AppReady) can now save application data. When the user attempts to close the Package window, they will be prompted for confirmation after making changes. Or enable 'Don't prompt me to save data' in Preferences.
- Change: Once the selected application is code-signed, the application (AppReady) will prevent the user from making further changes. Label 'CODE-SIGNED' will appear at the top.
- Sign/Pack: Enable 'Sandboxed' to code-sign the application as a sandboxed app. (Its effect is untested as we have not built a sandboxed application. Nonetheless, you are able to code-sign an application and create a package. If you face any difficulty, please let us know at application's support page.) Note that AppReady can only code-sign the application binary itself and will not sign dylib files for now.
- Other numerous minor changes are done.
1.6.0 to 1.7.0 (September 15, 2011)
- Fix: Editing application's plist only requires that it not include quotation marks.
- Change: Since Mac App Store requires that the application has 2 or 3-digit version, by default, AppReady will enforce the same requirement unless the user enables the checkbox that is labeled allow a higher version.
- Once the application is code-signed, AppReady prevents the user from editing the application further.
- Plist: The drop-down menu for the minimum OS version is updated to include 10.7.1 and 10.7.2.
- Make Intel: Instead of showing a separate window, the user will be notified with a simple label (CREATED) when the application successfully removes the PPC architecture from the selected application.
- Several other minor changes and fixes are made.
1.5.6 to 1.6.0 (September 12, 2011)
- Contents: The user can remove a file from the list by choosing Files > Remove File. The user was able to remove files through the contextual menu (right-button-clicking) only before.
- Sign/Pack: The application will automatically stop proceeding when it fails to code-sign an application at Step 2. The user can set the number of seconds at which the application will time out in Preferences. The default number of seconds is 8. Furthermore, when the application times out, a short message will appear at the bottom of the window.
- The application prevents the user from proceeding after they open an application that has already been code-signed.
- The application prevents the user from code-sign an application when the playlist version is not appropriate.
- Make Intel: When the application successfully removes the PPC architecture and then exports a good application copy, the user will be prompted with a confirmation window.
- Apps: The application offers a 'standard' way (according to Apple, Inc.) by which users can enter values.
1.5.5 to 1.5.6 (July 30, 2011)
- Fix: The application failed to set user's default minimum OS requirement in the presence of an existing value in the plist file.
- Fix: The application failed to empty the field for App Apple ID when the user clicked on the Drop button.
1.5.3 to 1.5.5 (July 21, 2011)
- The user has access to the Preferences window and some of the Help commands while the second window is open.
- The user can close the Login window and the Apps window by pressing Command + W.
- The application is compatible with Mac OS X Lion 10.7.
- Several other minor changes and fixes are done.
Note that making a package under OS X 10.7 requires Xcode 4.1. In the meantime, an updated copy of productbuild (CLT) that comes with Xcode 4.1 may not allow the user to create application packages for the moment. Users could only upload applications to iTunes Connect under Mac OS X 10.7.
1.5.1 to 1.5.3 (July 14, 2011)
- Fix: The application could crash when the user pressed Command + Q to quit it while Login and Apps were running.
- The user can now drag and drop an application icon directly onto that of AppReady to start a new packaging session.
- A few other minor bugs have been fixed.
1.5.0 to 1.5.1 (May 18, 2011)
- Fix: When the user clicked on the copy button for Mac App Store link on the Apps window, the application copied the URL text field content into the clipboard instead.
- Preferences: 'With Open Apps window at startup,' the user can open automatically Apps at startup.
- Fix: An invisible menu was revealed on some windows.
- A few more minor changes are done.
1.4.2 to 1.5.0 (May 15, 2011)
- Change: The vertical scroll bar is removed from the bottom multiline edit field of the Login window.
- The tab order is fixed under Plist.
- Change: Window > Show Login and Hide Login are deprecated. Please use Window > Login to open the Login window. Now, the user can open and close the Login window under the 2nd window (after clicking on Next on the main window).
- Some changes are made for the Login window so that the application also allows the user to open Apps.
- Choosing Window > Apps, the user can open the Apps window.
- 'Apps' allows the user to create a list of software titles that have been submitted to Mac App Store along with their App IDs. Click here for more information.
- When user selects an application (or drags and drops one onto the drop box), a new edit field shows its App Apple ID, provided that AppReady finds its data on Apps.
- The user can now choose a window color for Login and Apps.
- The user can now run a search with Otool Default, Strings Default, Otool Additional, Strings Additional. Click here for more information.
- While the Apps window is selected, choose Export Apps to export Apps data to a tab-separated text file.
- Other numerous changes and improvements are made.
1.4.0 to 1.4.2 (May 7, 2011)
- Plist: AppReady reads existing values from the plist file in the package.
- HXRuntime: If AppReady does not find the dynamic shared library (rbframework.dylib) in the MacOS folder, the Fix button will be grayed out.
- Sign/Pack: If selected application's Plist has missing values in order for productbuild to run, AppReady will display an error message.
1.3.3 to 1.4.0 (May 5, 2011)
- Plist: A better measure is taken to validate the software version the user specifies. Previously, the user was not able to enter a version higher than 10 with no consecutive numbers. The user can now enter any version as long as the version format is such that only numbers and dots are used.
- Preferences: If 'Don't accept version lower than 1' is enabled under Settings1, the user will not be able to specify a version lower than 1.
- Make Intel: If the source and destination share the same folder, the Make button will become grayed out.
- Preferences: The user can now set their default copyright, which will be automatically inserted for Plist's NSHumanReadableCopyright.
- Preferences: If 'Abide by the category list' under Settings1 is enabled, the user can set Plist's LSApplicationCategoryType according to the category drop-down list.
- Choosing File > Export, the user can now export Login information as a text file to the destination of their choice. Furthermore, the user can set up their default export folder and file name in Preferences.
- HXRuntime: AppReady now detects whether or not the selected application developed with REAL Studio requires a temporary fix by changing the identification name of a dynamic shared library (rbframework.dylib).
1.3.0 to 1.3.3 (April 29, 2011)
- Fix: The location where the progress bar window will pop has been adjusted.
- Fix: OTool (Run > OTool) could have been dysfunctional when the shell path of the application contained one or more spaces and/or one or more dashes.
- Change: OTool (Run > OTool) is renamed OTool Default.
- Change: Strings (Run > Strings) is renamed Strings Default.
- New: The user can now run OTool against additional architecture files in the Package besides the main architecture file. Choose OTool Additional under Run.
- New: The user can now run Strings against additional architecture files in the Package besides the main architecture file. Choose Strings Additional under Run.
1.2.0 to 1.3.0 (April 27, 2011)
- Sign/Pack: If the user enables the Fix permission checkbox, the application will change the permission of the application file to 755 prior to code-signing it.
- Clear was not working for Two of the edit fields under Plist.
- Fix: The HXRuntime issue was not handled properly when the application name contained one or more spaces and/or one or more dashes.
- Fix: The Show button was disabled under the App group box.
- CFBundleShortVersionString will be altered in the same way CFBundleVersion is handled so that iTunes Connect server will accept software updates.
- A new menu (Tools) is added.
- The user can now create an Intel application by removing the PowerPC binary from the selected Universal Binary application. Choose Tools > Make Intel. Click here for more information.
- Preferences: If the user leaves a certificate field blank or the first letter in a certificate field is a space under the Certificates tab, the application shows a red symbol indicating that the specified certificate is invalid.
- Sign/Pack: If productbuild (command-line tool) is not found, the Start button will be disabled.
- A set of other changes are made to make the application stay away from Mac App Store requirements.
1.1.0b to 1.2.0b (March 4, 2011)
- AppReady will validate the existence and the location of the selected application in real time. If AppReady loses access to it, all functions will go offline.
- A contextual menu is available with the listbox under the Contents tab, allowing the user to delete one or all files/folders.
- A new tab function is available. Frameworks allows the user to delete the selected Frameworks files in the package.
- The first window is redesigned a bit.
- Change: Clicking on the Open button under Contents will let the application open the folder, depending on the package destination.
- Preferences: The user can set default options under the Settings2 tab.
- The user can now select and open an application from the menu as well. Go to File > Open.
- Preferences: The user can set their default folder or volume where to select an application.
- Clicking on the Change button, the user can remove spaces from the package name.
- A new tab function is added. HXRuntime can make a temporary fix on the missing framework (HXRuntime Carbon Mach-O).
- Fix: The application could have crashed when the user clicked on the close button on the main window to quit it while the Login window was active.
- Numerous other minor changes are done.
1.0.0b to 1.1.0b (February 26, 2011)
- A new tab menu is added. Under Contents, the user can move files and folders to the selected package destination or copy them into the selected package destination.
- Change: Clicking on the Show button under Icon, the application will point to the application icon file itself instead of just opening the package in a new window.
- Change: Clicking on the Show button under Plist, the application will point to application's plist file itself instead of just opening the package in a new window.
- When the application finishes creating a package, it will make the Show button active under Sign/Pack. Clicking on it, the user has quick access to the application package.
- If the package name contains one space or more, the application will remind the user that the name must be revised before they send it to iTunes Connect.
- The user can now store account information for iTunes Connect or whatever by opening the Login window (Window > Show Login).
- The user can set their own default web browser to access web sites show in the Login window. See the 'System files' tab in Preferences.
- The user can now choose an application category from a drop-down menu under Plist.
- The user can now set the minimum system version under Plist.
AppReady is a product of MacHouse.