d-d ZoneX is an extended version of Mac freeware title d-d Zone that allows the user to quickly relocate files and folders to the selected destination folder. This extended version lets you either move or duplicate imported files and folders to the selected destination. Furthermore, enable the Multiple checkbox to drag and drop more than one file/folder at a time.
- Add any number of destination folders.
- d-d ZoneX knows in real time whether or not the selected destination folder is accessible.
- Choose Move or Copy from the 2nd drop-down menu to either move or duplicate imported files/folders.
- Enable Multiple to handle multiple files and folders at a time.
- The Status window tells you which file or folder has been relocated or duplicated to where.
- Double-click on the drop box directly to show the selected destination folder.
- The File list displays all visible files and folders under the active destination folder. (with Version 1.2)
- Double-click on a file or folder name in the File list either to reveal or open the selected file or folder. (with Version 1.2)
Adding destination folders to the Sidebar:
Okay, why do I even need d-d ZoneX? Isn't it just the matter of adding destination folders to the Sidebar? If the destination folder resides in a removal drive, then it really isn't. After removing the volume and restarting your Mac, your destination folders will also go away. As for d-d ZoneX, whether or not the power of a removable drive is out, it will always remember your destination folders. |
There's another problem when you drag and drop files and folders onto a sidebar destination folder. If the source is a folder and if you miss the target, you can end up adding that source folder to the Sidebar. |

Adding a new destination folder |

Deleting an existing destination folder |

Choosing Move (relocate) or Copy (to duplicate) |

Relocating multiple files at a time |
Trial version:
A demo/trial version is available.
- Click on the button to download a demo/trial version of d-d ZoneX for Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6.

System requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8 Intel Mac only
Quick Overview Video (no audio commentary)
QuickTime Video 01: Overall Workflow 1
This QuickTime video covers the basic workflow of d-d ZoneX. The software version is 1.3.0.
Duration: 8 minutes 50 second (62.7 MB) |

Click on the screenshot to play a movie with no audio commentary |
Purchasing d-d ZoneX license:
Purchasing a single license of d-d ZoneX |

Available at Mac App Store only as
d-d ZoneX |
日本国に在住の方はこのソフトは購入することができません。 |
Version History:
1.4.5 to 1.5.0 (October 3, 2011)
- Preferences: Enable 'Group files and folders' to list files and folders separately in the File list window. If this checkbox is enabled, folders will be listed first.
- Choose Windows > Update File List to update the File list.
- A few other minor changes are implemented.
Please note that it may take Mac App Store several days to weeks or even several months to approve an update.
1.4.0 to 1.4.5 (July 27, 2011)
- File > Open was not available when the user edits an existing destination profile.
- When the user edits a destination folder path by dragging and dropping a folder onto the drop box, the profile name also changed without user's consent. With this update, the profile name will change accordingly only if the 'Update name according when editing' checkbox is enabled in Preferences. If this checkbox is disabled, the folder name will not change with a new destination path.
- This update stabilizes application compatibility with Mac OS X Lion.
- The window frame of Status and File List is changed to Global floating for an unexpected problem the user encounters when they switch applications and then select d-d Zone's Dock icon.
- Fix: If File List is open before the user selects their first destination folder, File List should show a blank list. Now, when the user selects a destination folder, this blank list will be updated in real time. If the selected destination folder becomes inaccessible, File List will also update its list in real time.
- A few other minor glitches are fixed.
1.3.9 to 1.4.0 (May 10, 2011)
- This update addresses a serious bug where the application could crash when the user mounts a new volume while the application is running and pointing to a destination folder belonging to the mounted volume.
- A shortcut key is added to some of the menu commands.
Please note that it may take Mac App Store several days to weeks to approve an update.
1.3.5 to 1.3.8 (May 7, 2011)
- The search feature has improved. As the user presses the Return key, the application will look for the next file/folder name with a match.
- Preferences: With 'Beep if selected folder doesn't exist' enabled, if the selected folder does not exist, the application will make a beep sound.
- When the user chooses Folders > Go One Level Up, the File List will have a list of files and folders one level up.
- When the user chooses Folders > Go One Level down with a folder selected in the list, the File List will have a list of files and folders one down up.
- Several other minor changes and fixes are done.
Please note that it may take Mac App Store several days to weeks to approve an update.
The application was updated to 1.3.9 as the result of an Mac App Store submission with a few minor changes.
1.3.0 to 1.3.5 (April 3, 2011)
- Change: The application will respond half a second quicker when the user switches destination folders.
- The user can now run a quick search for a file or a folder on the File list window. Enter a key phrase and press the Return key.
- When creating a new destination profile, the user can now select a folder with the SelectFolder dialog, as opposed to dragging and dropping a folder onto the drop box, by choosing File > Open.
- In order to enhance application's stability, user settings are now stored in an encrypted database. Users have to work on Preferences settings once again from a scratch. We apologize to existing users for the change.
- A few other minor changes and done.
Please note that it may take Mac App Store several days to weeks to approve an update.
1.2.5 to 1.3.0 (February 13, 2011)
- The user can now edit existing folder profiles. Click on the right-most button on the main window.
- The File List will remain closed if the user chooses Window > Hide File List.
- Fix: Status window display the time in 24-hour system with AM or PM.
- The restriction on the characters that can be used to make folder names is relaxed. The characters that cannot be used are the following. Double quote, Apostrophe, Ampersand, Slash, Back slash, Vertical bar and Question mark.
- The number of characters that can be used to make folder names is increased to 99.
- The user can now control the locations where File list and Status window first open in Preferences.
1.2.0 to 1.2.5 (January 29, 2011)
- Every source file (or folder) is now inspected as to whether it's locked. If the source is a locked folder, d-d ZoneX will not move it under the same volume where the destination volume resides.
- Every destination folder is now inspected as to whether it's locked. If the selected destination folder is locked, the user cannot relocate or duplicate files and folders.
- The user can now easily change double-click options between 'Reveal' and 'Launch/Open' without opening Preferences.
- Double-clicking the drop box, the user can reveal the folder when adding a new destination folder.
- Status window can now show the history of relocated and duplicated files/folders with the time (ex. 03:21 AM).
- The window type of File list and Status Window has switched to a different type such that they will not appear when the application is not active.
1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (January 25, 2011)
- Preferences: The user can set their default destination name under the Destination tab.
- Preferences: The default task (Move or Copy) for the second drop-down can be set.
- Preferences: 'Multiple' can be turned on or off with the Multiple on/off checkbox.
- The File list is now available. It lists all visible files and folders under the selected destination folder.
- Doubling-click on the file name, the user can either reveal it inside the destination folder or launch it with its default application. The user can set the double-click task to either 'Reveal' or 'Launch/Open' in Preferences.
- The last relocated file (or folder) can be moved back by choosing Edit > Undo.
- When adding new destination folders, pre-defined ones are now available with a pull-down menu.
- Fix: Status window's user interface broke when the user resized the window.
- Several other minor changes and improvements are made.
d-d ZoneX is a product of MacHouse.