MacHouse Software


   Last updated: June 09, 2011






Icons2Pics - FAQ


Mac software Icons2Pics



1. I've selected 512 px and 256 px as well as other sizes, but Icons2Pics has failed to produce images with 256 px and 512 px.  Why?

If the application contains an icon package (.icns) whose largest image size is 256 pixels, Icons2Pics could only export images with 128 pixels, 48 pixels, 32 pixels and 16 pixels.  Likewise, Icons2Pics could only export images with 48 pixels, 32 pixels and 16 pixels if the largest image size that the icon package contains is 128 pixels.


2. Why does Icons2Pics allow users to drag and drop not just applications but also other file types including folders?

Icons2Pics allows users to grab, drag and drop multiple files into listbox at a time.  That being said, the application could crash if one of the selected files had a file type not supported by the application.