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Last updated: February 19, 2011
Movie2Browse - User's Guide |
1. Installing and uninstalling Movie2Browse Please read the README file that comes with the application.
2. Using Movie2Browse A. Preferences If you open Preferences, you will find several tabs. Let's take a look at the settings under the first tab. By enabling Auto shot, you can allow Movie2Browse to automatically take a snapshot of a movie. Movie2Browse's predecessor mBrowser accesses QuickTime's API to take snapshots while Movie2Browse uses ffmpeg, open-source command-line tool developed for Linux. And Movie2Browse can be a lot slower in taking the movie snapshot if you set it up incorrectly. Anyway, if you want to enable Auto shot ever time you launch Movie2Browse, then enable the checkbox under Auto shot. Secondly, enter the number of frames in terms of seconds where you want Movie2Browse to take a movie snapshot. For example, if you set the number of seconds to 120, Movie2Browse will automatically take a movie snapshot at the frame 2 minutes from the beginning. During the course, ffmpeg must generate 20 lines of file information. You will definitely not want to set it to 144000 (40 minutes from the beginning). An appropriate number may be between 120 and 200. Even if you end up with an undesirable movie snapshot, you can always and easily swap it for another. An important point is that the smaller the number is, the more quickly Movie2Browse will make a movie snapshot.
Next, let's see a box labeled Screenshot. This setting has to do with a tool button named QCapture. You will find out what QCapture does soon. For now, just remember that you can set a path to the location where you want Movie2Browse to automatically send screenshots. Switching to the Media Players tab, set a path to each media player like QuickTime (with or without Pro upgrade) and VLC Media Player, if you like. And Movie2Browse will try to open a selected movie with a media player of your choice. You don't necessarily have to set any media players here if you don't want quick access to them.
Finally, let's switch to the tab labeled SiteURLs. By providing URLs, Movie2Browse will give you quick access to websites. Name a website and desirably enter a URL of a movie website like Yahoo! Movies ( Note that every time you press the Close button to close the Preferences window, Movie2Browse will quit and then relaunch itself to maintain performance and stability.
B. Importing movies The main application window largely consists of 2 parts - Playlist window and Catalog window on top of Movie List. The playlist window lists DVD albums you have created. The catalog window shows a thumbnail of every DVD you have imported.
Before actually importing a movie file, the first step you should take is add a Movie playlist. A Movie playlist is a category under which you store movie files. You can of course store all movie files under one playlist. Or create multiple playlists and give a unique name to each to categorize your movies. In order to add a new movie playlist, simply right-button click anywhere on the playlist window. And you will get a contextual menu. Then choose Add. You can also click on the Add button at the bottom to create a new playlist.
When you create a playlist, Movie2Browse will automatically name it Movie playlist. In order to rename it, choose Edit in the contextual menu or click on the Customize button at the bottom. In the next screen, you will get not just to change the playlist name but also to change the playlist icon.
Now, let's import a movie file with Auto shot on. Importing a movie means creating a movie profile with Movie2Browse. And that's a terribly easy task. All you have to do is 1) select a movie playlist and then 2) drag and drop a movie file onto the media drop box. When Movie2Browse successfully takes a movie snapshot, it will open a window, prompting you to name a movie profile. The default profile name merely comes from the name of the imported file. If necessary, change it and then click on the Catalog It button or just press the Return key. And a snapshot will be posted in the catalog window. Also, a new movie profile will be added to the movie list.
Also notice that the number next to the selected movie player has changed. This number, by the way, indicates how many movie profiles the selected playlist holds. Furthermore, please be reminded that you can restore the catalog window in the event that Movie2Browse fails to refresh it by choosing Restore Catalog under the Window menu.
C. Editing movie profiles Each movie profile contain video information (duration, dimensions, aspect ratio, frame rate, video bitrate, data size) plus movie information (release date, genre, director, cast, rating, notes, web link). While Movie2Browse automatically completes the video information part when you import a movie, the movie information part will be left blank. In order to edit a profile, you may want to access a movie website at first to get infomration on the movie you are working on. If you have already filled SiteURLs in Preferences, then press the URLs button on the Toolbar menu of the main window and choose a website to access. Next select a snapshot of the movie for which you want to edit the profile. Or select a movie profile to edit directly on the movie list. Then click on the Edit button.
The next window shows both video information and movie information on the selected movie. It is not necessary that you fill all fields. However, this window cannot be closed if no item is selected on two drop-down menus. If you are finished, click on the Done button. Finally, you may want to switch the tab to Movie info and Notes and see changes. If you have provided a web link, then clicking on the web link icon under the Notes tab will let you access the same URL.
Next, let's see what we can do to swap movie snapshots. Once again, activate the movie window and select a movie to work on. Then choose a media player like QuickTime and VLC Media Player if you have already completed the media player section in Preferences. And Movie2Browse will pass the selected movie file to media player you have chosen.
If you have VLC Media Player and know how to use it to take a movie snapshot, then you can do so at this point. Or you can use Movie2Browse's QCapture. Whether you already play back the selected movie with QuickTime, VLC Media Player or whatever, click on QCapture on main window's Toolbar menu. The Mouse pointer will instantly transform itself into a camera icon. Now, press Command + Tab to switch applications. And choose the icon of the media player by using left-arrow/right-arrow key if necessary. Then make a click on the screen once whenever you are ready. And Movie2Browse will take a screenshot and send it to the selected location (that you have set under the Settings tab in Preferences) in the form of PNG automatically.
Finally, let's go back to the movie list window. Make sure that the right movie profile is still selected. Then change the tab to Screenshot. Grab an alternative screenshot. Supported formats are BMP, JPEG, JPEG2000, PDF, PNG and TIFF. Drag and drop it onto a drop box right above the Change button. This drop box will display a resized picture instantly. If it's what you want to replace the existing one, which is shown to the left, then click on the Change button. And Movie2Browse will instantly swap movie snapshots and make the change in the catalog window accordingly.