MacHouse Software


   Last updated: February 19, 2011






Movie2Browse - User's Guide


Mac software Movie2Browse


e) xFLV: xFLV allows the user to export the selected movie file as an FLV (Flash) movie.  The video compressor will be something known as FLV1, and the audio compressor will be MP3.  The video encoder will determine the video quality, depending on the minimum and maximum quantizer values set by the user.  If you set the QMax value to 1, the video quality will be the best because the coefficients of each DC matrix is divided by 1.  The larger is the value of QMax, the more the final video quality wil deteriorate because original DC coefficients cannot be recovered in time of decoding video.



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There is no useful statistic generated by the command-line tool.  Movie2Browse will use the data size of the original movie file as a sample statistic to estimate that of the final FLV movie.  If the data size of the final FLV will end up becoming larger than the original file, the progress bar will stop at 99% and wait for the the video encoder to finish its task.  So be patient when it looked like the application stalled at the last moment.



Mac software Movie2Browse   Mac software Movie2Browse



f) xMPEGa: The feature of xMPEGa is limited to MPEG (MPEG-1, MPEG-2) and allows the user to extract an audio stream, assuming it's compressed with MP2 or AC-3.  When the right media type is selected, Movie2Browse will detect an audio stream automatically.  Accordingly, the correct export format will be automatically set when you click on the Select button.



Mac software Movie2Browse   Mac software Movie2Browse
Mac software Movie2Browse    



g) xWMV: xWMV works on a variety of media formats and allows the user to convert the selected movie into WMV (WMV2 with WMA).



Mac software Movie2Browse   Mac software Movie2Browse
Mac software Movie2Browse   Mac software Movie2Browse



h) xXvid: With Version 1.2.0, Movie2Browse allows the user to crop unwanted pixels, resize screen and make visual adjustments.  Unlike xAVI, a new video will be encoded in 2-pass with xXvid.  Click on the Preview button to see changes before or after setting crop/resize values and making visual adjustments.



Mac software Movie2Browse



First, let's see what we can do to eliminate black bars.  The selected video has some extra fat on both sides.  The original width is 720 pixels.  We need to set the width to a multiple of 8.  If we enter 704 in an edit field next to 'Crop,' 8 pixels will be cropped on each side.  As shown below, subtracting 16 pixels seems to work well.  We can also resize the screen size.  New width and height will apply to crop width and crop height.  If we want to cut width in half, then a new width should be 352 pixels, not 360 pixels.



Mac software Movie2Browse   Mac software Movie2Browse



xXvid also allows the user to make visual adjustments on the video.  Adjust the top slider to change the gamma level.  The second slider from the top lets you change contrast.  The third one lets you change brightness.  Adjust the bottom slider to change saturation.



Mac software Movie2Browse   Mac software Movie2Browse



Finally, if you click on the Export button, Movie2Browse will first write data to a file titled 'divx2pass.log.'  No movie file will be created during the 1-pass mode.  Movie2Browse will create a movie file when it starts the 2-pass mode.



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