MacHouse Software


   Last updated: March 28, 2011






VersionsX - User's Guide


Mac software VersionsX



4-3 Web

Under the tab labeled History, you have so far created and edited software and version information.  Under the Web tab, you can store web site profiles.  All web profiles you have created will be loaded and then displayed in the top list under this tab whenever you launch VersionsX.  (See Screenshot 4-20.)



Mac software VersionsX

Screenshot 4-20


Mac software VersionsX

Screenshot 4-21



In order to create a new web profile, first click on the New button.  And all editable fields will be become accessible.  (See Screenshot 4-21.)  Each web profile must have a name, at least.  Or the Save button above will remain grayed out.  Also, this web site name must be 4-letters or longer.  If the name is acceptable, you will see a green varidation symbol to the right.  (See Screenshot 4-22.)



Mac software VersionsX

Screenshot 4-22


Mac software VersionsX

Screenshot 4-23



If you are finished, simply click on the Save button above.  (See Screenshot 4-23.)  And this new web profile will appear in the list above.  If you want to edit or delete any of the web profiles, first, select one in the list.  (See Screenshot 4-24.)  Then click on the Edit button to edit the selected web profile.  Or click on the Delete button to delete it.



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